

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Hiking Badge

Mama says it is very hard for her to update my blog since she can't take pictures when we are out because I require both hands and all her attention when we hike, but we did finish the hiking challenge and I got my first hiking badge!

My badge on my backpack

In other news we are having our first snow of the season and it is a doozy. Mama says the first snow is supposed to be a dusting that melts by evening. Not this year! There was a foot of snow at 8 am and it is still snowing. The leaves are still on some of the trees and they are not happy.

Unhappy maple tree

Mr. Maple lost a limb overnight which I thought was great fun and dragged across the backyard. Mama has been going out and shaking the branches she can reach to try to knock some of the snow off the trees which still have leaves. I follow her around but then get grumpy when the trees drop big blobs of snow on me. Mama says, "Quit following me then!" but I HAVE to follow Mama at all times to make sure she is safe and not planning to run away.


  1. Well done. Zorro! I am sure that you will have a backpack full of badges soon.

  2. Way to go, Zorro! Your first of many hiking badges! You and your mom are going to have so many more adventures together. Even snow can be an adventure, you know!
