Mama and I have been busy since I arrived. She says she is trying to "civilize" me, whatever that means. I think I'm perfect as I am. I don't understand why, if it doesn't bother me when I pull on the leash, it should bother Mama. Or why she doesn't want me to protect her from all the dangers in the world like bicycles, joggers, cats, and the neighbor across the street. Running full speed and jumping over and on things is okay in the backyard but not the living room? Why is that? Pull toys are only the ones made of thermal fleece and aren't leashes, Mama's belt, Mama's coat tails, the sheets, the afghan, or the pillow? Also, apparently throw pillows are not chew toys, even if you only chew one small hole in the back corner and despite the name they aren't meant to actually be thrown. When you want something Mama has and she doesn't share right away it seems that it isn't right to put your face as close to her face as you can and bark. Morning is when Mama wakes up not when I wake up and it doesn't help to paw Mama in the face or poke you nose into her eye to see if maybe she is awake. Breakfast isn't until 6 a.m. no matter how much earlier you wake up too. Finally, when you see a dog at the park and you are on your longline you are not supposed to run to the very end of the line and then keep going so that Mama goes flying. Apparently if you do this you can break Mama by doing something called "dislocating her shoulder" and that means that you won't be getting any longline time for at least a month.
I think this being civilized stuff is for the birds (who you are not supposed to stalk and try to catch while on walks).
So glad to see you, Zorro! If I am any judge, there is someone named Merlin whispering in your ear. But he became a Canine Good Citizen and a good Dog Scout, and so will you if you just listen to your mama. She will teach you all kinds of new and good things and take extra good care of you too.